ATX Mobility Coalition

ATX Mobility Coalition Supports ATP’s Development of an Independent Leadership Model

Austin Justice Coalition
3 min readApr 21, 2022

The ATX Mobility Coalition and its member organizations commend the ATP Board of Directors on its decisive leadership and willingness to undertake a thoughtful and well-structured process for determining its governance model. The decision to conduct an independent, third-party analysis, involving community voices, evidences a commitment to transparency and meaningful community involvement throughout this process. We believe this decision by the Board reflects the kind of strong leadership required to build and maintain trust with the community to deliver a successful Project Connect. This demonstrates a healthy responsiveness to issues that may arise.

In October 2021, the City of Austin, Capital Metro, and Austin Transit Partnership came together to collectively discuss the Joint Powers Agreement for Project Connect. Throughout this process, the ATX Mobility Coalition, joined by other community partners, called upon all three parties to keep promises made to voters and ensure Project Connect is delivered with true independence, transparency, and community oversight. We made a call to action raising concerns about the shared executive leadership of Austin Transit Partnership and Capital Metro, along with questions regarding equity in process and decision-making. In response to the community’s questions and concerns, the ATP Board of Directors wisely decided to contract the Eno Center for Transportation, a well regarded think-tank based in Washington D.C., to conduct an independent analysis of ATP’s governance to guide future leadership decisions by the Board.

On April 20th, the ATP Board took action to adopt a resolution establishing a leadership model separated from Capital Metro, as well as appointing an independent, interim Executive Director for the Austin Transit Partnership, while ensuring that Capital Metro remains deeply involved in this work. In the executive summary of the Eno Center report it is noted that “…the current governance of Project Connect is unsustainable as it is currently structured. Either leadership model can work but must be intentional and supported by a common understanding of organizational roles and responsibilities.”(P. 3) Today, the board has set us on a path to create such an intentional governance model and to develop a shared understanding.

As the Eno Center noted: “One of the biggest risks to Project Connect is if the public loses faith in the credibility of the program or its implementing entities… ATP, Capital Metro, and the City need to invest in more in-house public outreach professionals and programs, and collaboratively work together to coordinate unified community outreach efforts. This needs to be balanced with the agencies’ ability to make quick and decisive action to move the project forward.” (P. 35) We believe such commitment to intentionality, clear communication, and planning should be the standard for key ATP board decisions moving forward. It is crucial that all governing bodies remain mindful of the concerns raised within the Eno Center report and continue building trust with the community as we move towards some of the key decisions and milestones for Project Connect.

The next key step in this transparent and independent governance related work is the hiring of the permanent Executive Director of the Austin Transit Partnership. It is critical for this process to move forward in a timely fashion while allowing community engagement, where appropriate. There is no doubt that the decisions made by the board at their meeting lay down a strong foundation for constructing and implementing the Project Connect programs. By establishing the independent leadership model for the Austin Transit Partnership, the board has made a strong commitment to an equitable and successful Project Connect.



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